Wester Star Logo

Western Star Community

A Development Organization


Western Star was founded on July 25, 2011 as a non profit corporation in the State of Texas. Western Star is reognized as tax exempt by the Internal Revenue Service under setion 501(c)(10) of the Internal Revenue Code.

With strong ties to its communities, Western Star seeks to enhance the quality of life of the members of those communities.

Sine 2013, Western Star has been providing family entertainment in communities by working with quality responsible amusement companies to bring carnivals in safe environments.

Western Star has supported several charitable.community, fraternal and non profit organizations since its inception. Western Star has also given scholarships to several students in its communities.


Here are some of the ways Western Star helps to enhance communities quality of life.

Provided Scholarships to students to attend numerous universities in Texas.

Provid support to several churches' vacation bible schools for children.

Contributed to several charitable foundations.

Contributed to local individuals participating in talent contests.

Contributed to local beauty pagents by providing food.

Fed the underprivliged transient workers in communites.

Contributed to historical preservation library.

Supported several local fraternal organizations.